
President of Dalami Forensik: Ruth Floren AS Berutu, M. Sc in Forensic Psychology

3/25/20242 min read

Eksplorasi intricacies psikologi melalui webinars dan kursus singkat kami. Telusuri bidang psikologi kognitif, sosial, olahraga, dan perkembangan, yang memberikan wawasan mendalam terhadap perilaku dan kognisi manusia. Program-program kami dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mahasiswa dan profesional, dengan menyediakan pengetahuan praktis yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam berbagai konteks personal dan profesional.

We invite you to explore the complexities of psychology through a series of webinars and short courses organized by us. In this series, you will be introduced to key areas of psychology, including cognitive, social, sports, and developmental psychology. Each of these research areas provides deep insights into various aspects of human behaviour and the cognitive processes that influence it.

Our programs are designed with consideration for the diverse needs and interests of participants, whether they are students undergoing formal education or professionals seeking to develop their skills and knowledge. We adopt an application-oriented learning approach, providing practical and relevant knowledge that can be implemented in various contexts, both in personal and professional life.

Our commitment is to provide a comprehensive and beneficial learning experience for every participant. By combining cutting-edge theory with best practices, we ensure that you will gain a strong foundation in psychology and the skills necessary to succeed in your career or further studies in this field.

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