
Invitation for You!

President of Dalami Forensi: Ruth Floren AS Berutu, M. Sc in Forensic Psychology

3/25/20243 min read

Temukan ragam ilmu forensik melalui kursus daring kami. Mulai dari forensic science, forensic psychology digital forensics, forensic nurse, cybersecurity, forensic evironment, dan masih banyak lagi. Dapatkan akses ke materi berkualitas tinggi, didukung oleh instruktur berpengalaman, serta peroleh sertifikat yang diakui. Segera bergabung untuk mengasah keterampilan forensik Anda secara komprehensif!

We proudly present an online learning platform that delves into various aspects of forensic science, covering both traditional and digital fields. Our courses are designed to enable participants to delve into relevant and rapidly evolving knowledge and skills in the forensic field. The materials presented are not only curated by leading practitioners in the industry but also meticulously designed to ensure effective and in-depth learning experiences.

Each course provides exclusive access to high-quality content specifically designed to enhance understanding of fundamental forensic principles. Our instructors, with extensive experience in practice and research, are ready to guide participants through every stage of learning. The certificate awarded at the end of the course serves as tangible evidence of the achievements and expertise acquired by participants, thereby enhancing their reputation in the professional world.

We believe that our holistic approach to forensic learning will not only enhance participants' skills but also provide them with a competitive edge in an increasingly demanding job market. With an emphasis on the practical application of forensic concepts in real-world scenarios, we guarantee that participants will be prepared to face complex and dynamic challenges in the future.

Forensic Accounting Department Webinar: Robust Anti-Corruption Strategies for Developing Nations

On June 30, 2023, the Forensic Accounting Department hosted a highly anticipated webinar featuring Vincent Kanhukamwe, MBA, a specialist in Financial Forensics and Risk Management. This event was attended by 21 enthusiastic participants, reflecting the high level of interest in the topic.

Vincent, who holds an international reputation in the fields of finance and risk management, delivered highly relevant and in-depth material. The main topic addressed was "Robust Anti-Corruption Strategies for Developing Nations: Towards Accelerated Socio-Economic Growth in the Modern World." This webinar aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of how developing nations can implement effective anti-corruption strategies to promote sustainable economic growth.

In his presentation, Vincent highlighted data from the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), which revealed that corruption remains a significant challenge worldwide. More than two-thirds of countries scored below 50 out of 100, indicating serious corruption problems. The global average, which stands at just 43, shows that efforts to reduce corruption still need significant improvement. Over the past decade, most countries have shown little to no progress, with some even experiencing setbacks in their anti-corruption efforts.

This webinar was conducted free of charge, demonstrating the Forensic Accounting Department's commitment to ensuring that education and understanding of anti-corruption strategies are accessible to everyone. This is a crucial step in building a strong foundation for combating corruption, particularly in developing nations that often face significant challenges in this area.

Webinar participants gained valuable insights into how robust anti-corruption strategies can be applied within their own contexts. Additionally, they were encouraged to discuss and share experiences regarding the challenges faced and the solutions that can be implemented.

The Forensic Accounting Department is committed to continuing to host webinars like this, with the aim of providing ongoing understanding and education to the wider community. We believe that with strong collaboration and synergy, we can create a more transparent and corruption-free world.

For more information about upcoming webinars and other activities, please feel free to follow our website and stay connected with our community. Together, we can create positive change and accelerate socio-economic growth worldwide.

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